

What is Mesothelioma?

Malignant Mesotheliome is a rare cancer form, which begins in the Mesothel, the diaphragm, which covers and protects most internal body organs. The Mesothel consists of two layers, by which the organ surrounds and which other one forms a pouch lining therefore around. Between these two layers a small quantity liquid is normally produced, which serves the better mobility of the organs. If the normal cells of the Mesothels strew except control turned out and fast, Mesotheliome develop.
The most frequent form of the Mesotheliome are "pleurale" Mesotheliome. These develop in the lung lining. Other forms are "peritoneale" Mesotheliome, which concern the abdominal cavity lining, and "perikardiale" Mesotheliome, which concern the heart lining.

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